My Roots

3/17/20182 min read

Dad always told me he grew up in paradise as a child. He was not lieing.

Their Story


As a first generation New Zealand born Samoan, I would never know of the hardships my parents would face as children growing up in Samoa. New Zealand was the land of opportunities for them so as teenagers they left their families behind to look for work in New Zealand and ways to send financial support back home.

Growing up in New Zealand, I never knew exactly where my parents were from only that they were from Samoa, and I could only pretend I knew of the paradise and beautiful beaches my father constantly spoke of, and not to forget the mountain my mum would climb to get to and from school. the mountain was actually a hill, but it was very steep and yes I will allow her to call that hill a mountain, because as a child I could only imagine the hike.

in 2018 I ventured to Samoa with my mother, unfortunately to attend the funeral of my fathers eldest sister, I had only met her once as a child when she visited New Zealand. I felt as my father had passed 9yrs prior, it was on someone in my family to attend on his behalf, and also as she was the last living member of his immediate family. I made it my mission to attend the funeral with poor mum in tow, due to the language barrier. I understand the language, I guess I am too shy to speak the language as messing it up would not only be embarrassing to me,

I am still to this day in awe of what how beautiful Samoa truly is

Public Transport

Apia Markets

Our Private Beach

Manunu &


My mother always spoke of this amazing waterfall and swimming hole in her back yard. Its fair to say my parents way of words, could never describe how truly stunning these places truly are.

The Guardians

Hidden within my families private beach, is a giant clam sanctuary. There are no maps on how to get there, nor is there any signage. If you are guided to the location, appreciate the untouched and protected sanctury.

Snorkeling amongst giant clams and colourful reef fish in the stunning tropical blue water