Hello ! My name is Miriam

& I basically want to travel the world

After facing redundancy from my Operations Management role in the beauty industry, it was time to cut all my puppet strings as an employee and try employment on my own.

Fast forward to today. I built a 6 figure company in the beauty industry from nothing and now have 2 soon to be 3 salons and an amazing team.

But I still feel the absence of something major in my life.


Family is everything

I am a mother/step mother to 3 amazing young adults and a Nenny to 2 wonderful wee boys. I have the most amazing support from my partner and kids and surround myself with the best friends any girl would ever need. My siblings are everything to me and are my absolute cheerleaders in my life's journey.

The Christchurch Earthquakes in 2011, seen a number of my friends move away from Christchurch to Australia. So it made sense to travel across the ditch to not only visit my friends all at once in the Gold Coast but also to visit my sister who lives in Brisbane.

From there began the travel bug. I guess I never really had a reason to leave New Zealand.

My Time

My Buzz

We always make excuses on why we cannot achieve things in life, we either cant afford it or we don't have time, whatever the reason is, it always comes back to an excuse. At some point in life we have to retire, can you honestly say all that hard work has paid off? If it did, job well done. If it hasnt, you know its never too late. Too late is when you are in the ground.

I lost my father a number of years ago, I also lost my mother to breast cancer only recently. I so hope they lived their best lives. I managed a trip to Samoa and American Samoa with just mum and I before she passed, and I loved every aspect of learning where she was from and listening to her childhood stories as she showed me around her village. Memories I will always hold dearly, I was so blessed to see mum in the most awesome light, I felt like a tourist in her story of life as she knew it and she was my tour guide. I cannot wait to revisit her village again and hear more stories from her living family and discover more about my roots.

Being the best version of ME

My love of travel has given me the biggest boost in life. Travelling where I want when I want, setting up my business to not only create passive income, it also allows me the freedom to come and go as I please. FREEDOM to work from anywhere in the world. Clocking out at short notice because my health and wellbeing trumps EVERYTHING and so does yours. So why would I hold myself back from being great(er). Creating Financial Freedom has given me all these opportunities to create amazing life experiences and memories with my loved ones


Samoa, American Samoa, Vanuatu, Cook Islands

Singapore, Thailand............